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Let's Thrive in 2025!

Thank you AMAZING yoga friend for landing on this page :)

I love January and the collective energy of fresh starts in the air. We never need to wait until January 1st because each breath is a chance to begin again, yet markers like new years, birthdays, seasonal changes, solstices, moon cycles and tides are outer reminders that help us reset.

In 2012 I read an article about how choosing a single word for a year rather than fixed new year resolutions can be longer lasting and more emotionally encouraging too. I took my time and did a few worksheets on "how to find your word" and have been loving this practice ever since! It's easy to think your word needs to be yogic, but it's best chosen without any "I should choose this" energy. (We don't should at NJ Beach Yoga).

My words of the year 2012-now:

Be, Focus, One, Visit, Leisure, Simplify, Surf, Commit, Compassion, Cherish, Listen, Satya, Glimmer & 2025 is SANTOSHA.

Santosha in Sanskrit means contentment or satisfaction. In Yoga it is one of the Niyamas on the 8 limbed path of yoga. A state of being content with the present moment regardless of external circumstances. All of my life I have been a striver and it's been the yoga path that has given me the skill of savoring a pause. Last years word Glimmer helped me to tap into being enough because looking for the glimmers and marinating longer in the moments when life shines shifted my wiring.

Every year the last day of the summer schedule I would get sad, wish for more time with the town busy and full, more warm days, more being outside...... This year as I loaded up the Yoga Van with the beach things I felt a fullness and satisfaction of it being just right. I was shocked! Could I possibly be content??? WOW! I ended my 60th year of life content without life being perfect.

November had some waves where I wondered if I should change my word and then I decided no - I can choose to find Santosha within no matter what circumstances are happening on the outside. Not easy, yet worth the try. I have my intention bracelet on since 1/1/25 with SANTOSHA on it, shells with my word scattered all over and an excitement to share ways to light up within with you.

Feel free to contact me if you want to share your word or want some info on how to feel it out. Waves of Peace to You, Teri


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